Whimsy Pumpkin Bouquet

Item # SGF24T110A
Whimsy Pumpkin Bouquet
Whimsy Pumpkin Bouquet
Whimsy Pumpkin Bouquet
Whimsy Pumpkin Bouquet

Product Details

Teleflora's Whimsy Pumpkin Bouquet offers a stylish option for your autumn table. This sophisticated arrangement of fall roses comes in a beautiful ceramic pumpkin adorned with intricate hand-painted accents in sage green.


This arrangement features elegant orange roses, peach miniature carnations, and white alstroemeria, complemented by bronze cushion spray chrysanthemums and accented with huckleberry and parvifolia eucalyptus foliage. Presented in Teleflora's Sage Harvest Pumpkin, it exudes a sense of timeless beauty and sophistication.
  • Orientation: All-Around

This gorgeous hand-painted sage ceramic pumpkin is a custom-made keepsake from Teleflora.

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