Enchanted Forest Bouquet

Item # SGF24T300A
Enchanted Forest Bouquet
Enchanted Forest Bouquet
Enchanted Forest Bouquet
Enchanted Forest Bouquet

Product Details

Capture their admiration with this enchanting fall rose arrangement, elegantly complemented by a vase inspired by tree bark and a ceramic autumn leaf charm.


Teleflora's Enchanted Forest Bouquet features vibrant orange roses, delicate peach miniature carnations, bronze button spray chrysanthemums, bronze daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lush leatherleaf fern. Presented in Teleflora's Enchanted Forest Cylinder, it exudes natural charm and elegance with warm tones.
  • Orientation: All-Around

Inspired by beautiful tree bark, this Teleflora Exclusive adorned with a charming ceramic autumn leaf effortlessly complements countless fall arrangements.

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